Sunday, August 15, 2010

2011 corvette car review

The Corvette; such an iconic GM vehicle. It’s the car that everyone loves, and has a place in the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world. It’s Chevrolet’s equivalent of the 911, and the two vastly different cards are often compared head to head as ideological opposites. The car that can compare with rivals costing far more; that car is the Corvette. And that’s the car we had the task of redesigning, quite possibly the hardest of all the Revitalization in Action cars we have done before.

Our hardest vehicle, in the hardest lineup. Efforts in this lineup have culminated with, and in our idea of what the next generation C7 Corvette should be.

In this RIA, our C7 Corvette’s styling follows an more evolutionary, rather than revolutionary path. Overall the car is much more emotional and dramatic, with a more planted stance and low-slung look. Things like a swooping downward character line add drama and excitement to the car, while still retaining that unmistakable Corvette look.

We followed the mantra of “don’t mess with success” in hammering out the details on the C7, especially in regards to price. The corvette is an attainable supercar, and that’s something that shouldn’t be changed.

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